Pedantic Orderliness
Pedantic Orderliness

Efficient HTTP caching

📝 2019-01-04T01:27:25Z

In this post, we will be talking about HTTP caching headers and strategies for maximizing browser-level caching while ensuring freshness. First, we will dive into HTTP and it’s caching headers. Then we will cover a few common strategies. And finally, we will review this blog’s implementation.

HTTP & Caching

This section is a quick review of HTTP and the common caching-related headers. If you’re already familiar with the anatomy of an HTTP request and response, Cache-Control, If-None-Modified, etc… then feel free to skip to the next section.

Request and Response

When you loaded this page your browser opened a connection/socket to the blog. The HTTP/1.1 protocol dictates that a request is performed by sending a Request-Line, Request Header, and Request Body. The server looks at the request and responds with a Status-Line, Response Header, and Response Body. The request for this page looks like:

1GET /posts/efficient_http_caching HTTP/1.1
3Accept: text/html
4Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
5Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9,da;q=0.8
6Cache-Control: max-age=0
7Pragma: no-cache
9User-Agent: example from blog post 

The request and response data are viewable in your browser’s developer tools. Also, if you were to use openssl s_client, you could establish a connection to this server and paste the above code. After pressing enter a couple times, the server would respond with this page. I will leave the specific command to run as a search exercise for the more curious readers.

The server hosting this site responds with:

1HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2019 18:05:13 GMT
3Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
4Transfer-Encoding: chunked
5Connection: keep-alive
6Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate
7ETag: e66d665cd7a6d67ca6112b21c6351c1c
9<Response Body> ...

Why am I writing about this? It’s to point out the Request and Response Headers. Everything to do with HTTP caching is about what headers the browser sends and receives.


The above request’s headers include Cache-Control: max-age=0 and Pragma: no-cache (legacy). The directive max-age=0 tells the server (and any intermediate caches, like a CDN or CloudFlare) to not use a cached copy and to check the origin (the blog server). Pragma is a legacy HTTP/1.0 header and is replaced by HTTP/1.1’s Cache-Control, it’s still useful to set as not everyone keeps their services up-to-date (but seriously we’ve had HTTP/1.1 for nearly two decades, WTF?).

The response’s headers contain Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate and ETag: e66d665cd7a6d67ca6112b21c6351c1c. These headers give the browser (and intermediate caches) the rules around caching this URI. A response’s Cache-Control header may contain a few directives. The most common are public (should cache), private (should not be put in a shared cache), no-cache (do not cache), max-age=<seconds>, and must-revalidate. There are quite a view other directives, check out MDN’s documentation for Cache-Control.

Keep in mind that max-age=<seconds> can have a different meaning depending on the context. If it’s in the Request Headers it limits how old of a cache entry intermediate caches are allowed respond with. If the intermediate cache’s entry is recent enough then the request never makes it to the origin server. If it’s too old then the intermediate cache checks with the origin, possibly pulling a fresher response. If the directive is in the Response Headers, it defines a period in which the asset an can simply be served from the browser’s cache, no request needed. Once this period passes then it must be refreshed/revalidated.

The ETag header is part of a set of headers that allow a server (or intermediate cache) to avoid unnecessarily sending the Response Body, which is usually much larger in size than the Response Headers. Not sending the body reduces response times by a lot (very desirable, especially on mobile). If a browser has the response in its cache it can look up the Etag value and include If-None-Match: <Etag value> in the Request Headers. The server (or intermediate cache) can check the ETag value it has and if they match, respond with a 304 Not Modified status code and not send the Response Body.

A similar mechanism exists with the Last-Modified and If-Modified-Since (or If-Unmodified-Since) headers. I don’t like using those headers because they only have a 1-second granularity, a lot can happen in one second. I prefer using an Etag with the value being the Response Body’s MD5 sum.

Caching Strategies

With all of these directives, we have quite a bit of flexibility. Our primary goal is to provide the fastest and most responsive experience to our users. To do this we don’t want to cache volatile things, or at confirm it didn’t change and not perform requests when we know the response can’t change. Ultimately there only a few buckets that URIs and their responses can fall into:

I rarely see the immutable directive used, it’s just too easy to shoot yourself in the foot and having to burn the URI (never use it again because you can never know for sure that someone doesn’t have an old version cached).

We have a lot of options available and one strategy doesn’t fit all situations. When deciding if something should be cached and for how long you, ask yourself a few questions:

Things that are not volatile and are used often deserve aggressive caching. Things that change often shouldn’t be cached or at least should be revalidated often. Sensitive data should not be put in a shared cached (private directive). PUT, POST, and DELETE requests are not safe to cache. Things you don’t want cached should have the no-cache directive.

One problem that comes up is needing to bust the cache. This problem usually manifests as someone deployed a bug fix and they don’t want anyone to continue using the old/buggy version. Your only option is to deploy code that uses a new URI for the affected asset. Some projects put versions in the filename/path and others append a version or hash to the query string. I usually go with the query string hash, because who wants to version every asset? The code for storing and managing a version for every asset is non-trivial. Using some kind of hash (MD5, SHA, etc…) avoids having to store asset versions because the hash is intrinsic to the asset’s data, changing the asset is changing the MD5.

A less common problem is when you are varying the response based on the User-Agent header, or some other header. In those cases, you must properly set the Vary header so that intermediate caches don’t serve the wrong content.

The Blog’s Implementation

First, let’s define the strategy we will use. All responses will have an ETag header that contains the MD5 sum of the Response Body. Responses containing HTML will have the must-revalidate directive, that way we can be sure users always have a fresh version but we can also avoid having to resend what they already have.

Assets referenced in the HTML will have the MD5 sum in the query string and max age of 1 month. During startup, we will read all of our assets from ./content/static and generate the MD5 sums. We will make a map[string]string that maps the key to the MD5 sum. Lastly, we will implement a template helper function that will take the key, look up the MD5 sum, and return the complete URL for the asset. As long as we remember to use the helper function we shouldn’t have to think about caching anymore. Assets that change will have a new MD5 hash and URL, assets that stay the same will have the same MD5 hash and URL.

No point in littering the code with calls to Go’s md5.Sum(...), so lets put a helper function it in our “common” file.

1import "crypto/md5"
2func getEtag(buffer *[]byte) string {
3  hash := md5.Sum(*buffer)
4  return fmt.Sprintf("%x", hash)

Every time we read a file and add it the page/post/asset cache, we will call the above function to generate an MD5 hash. Below is an example of the asset processing logic.

 1func (p *AssetManager) buildAsset(filename string) (*Asset, error) {
 2  // Get byte array and mime type (text/css, image/png, etc...)
 3  buffer, mime, err := getAsset(filename)
 4  if err != nil {
 5    return nil, err
 6  }
 8  return &Asset{
 9    Mime:    mime,
10    Content: buffer,
11    Etag:    getEtag(buffer),
12  }, nil

Now that every post, page, and asset have an MD5 sum in it’s struct, we need to build a map that we can use in our templates. We don’t need the MD5 sum for posts or pages in our map, but we do need assets (images, CSS, JS) in the map.

 1type Hashes map[string]string
 2func (p *AssetManager) GetHashes() *Hashes {
 3  hashes := Hashes{}
 5  keys := p.cache.GetKeys()
 6  for _, key := range keys {
 7    value := p.cache.Get(key)
 8    hashes[key] = value.(Asset).Etag
 9  }
11  return &hashes

It would be annoying to have to add ?m={{.Site.Hashes[assetKey]}} all over the templates, so we will use a helper function.

1tmpl := template.New("").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
2  "GetAssetURL": func(key string, hashes *Hashes) string {
3    return fmt.Sprintf("/static/%s?m=%s", key, (*hashes)[key])
4  },
7// Template example
8// <img src="{{ GetAssetURL "logo.png" .Site.Hashes }}" alt="Pedantic Orderliness"/>

We will still need the MD5 sum for posts and pages so that we can handle the If-None-Match header.

 1if r.Header.Get("If-None-Match") == post.Etag {
 2  w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotModified)
 3  return
 6w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
 7w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "public, must-revalidate")
 8w.Header().Set("Etag", post.Etag)


That’s it, Efficient HTTP caching. My approach isn’t the only approach. Different situations are going to require different approaches. One final very important point. No matter how you implement caching, not just HTTP caching, know how you will evict/bust your cache. You do not want to be in a situation where you need to bust the cache and can’t. This is important, never implementing a cache without also implementing a way to bust it.